Definition: A motion, a non-premeditated, inconsistent action designed to offer kindness towards the outside world.

Practicing random kindness and senseless acts of beauty is the key to make the world better. This year has been a roller coast for most of us. Just getting our legs back under us has been a whirlwind. We’ll get there, it just takes time and a great deal of patience. But let’s not forget each other in the process.
Research has shown that simple acts of kindness can make a major impact in making a difference.
As we see many acts of kindness during our cruises (like the retrieving of the balloons floating on the ocean in the photo above) there is one recent story that has touched our hearts and just needs to be shared. No need for names, no glory, no fame needed. Just sharing to remind us all…kindness is the key to make the world better.
Late July/Early August: Two sisters arrived in Camden a few days early for their cruise on Mary Day. With them were several family members ranging in ages, all to share time together, visit Camden before the two sisters sailed. As we all are seeing and experiencing, local restaurants are still struggling, to open, for supplies and mostly for workers to fulfill the shifts. To our dismay, Many restaurants just end up closing early or not opening at all. It was late one dark and rainy evening and the family was trying to find a place for shelter and food. They found many doors closed or those that were still open not able to offer assistance until they knocked on the door of a new place in Camden, one offering African cuisine. The owner answered the door and after much pleading, let them in, gave them shelter from the rain, and prepared for them a delicious late-night dinner, much to their delight. He too was going through the hardships of not having support to run his business. The sisters heard his tale of not being able to open the next day for not having workers to show up for work. Low and behold, the whole family arrived at the door of the restaurant the next day and all volunteered (it turns out they have a restaurant in their family back home) and filled the shifts for the owner to have a day of being open. They gave up a day of their vacation for a simple act of kindness.
In this chaos of what we are calling life right now, be sure to take a moment, find yourself, find the moment, find someone or something to help. It’s easier than you think. Go ahead – add your random act of kindness below in the comments – let’s spread some cheer today. Make it a Mary Day kind of a day.
Be well, Do good. Spread some kind of kindness today.