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Sunspot At Bass Harbor

Good morning everyone. After an overcast Monday and a mostly rainy Tuesday the sun finally poked out yesterday afternoon and the skies cleared beautifully. I wish you could have been here to witness the grandeur. I have not seen a full rainbow in quite some time. At one moment a double rainbow began to tease us but faded as the rains pulled further and further away.

After dinner the sky turned the deepest golden color that I can remember. Could I have bottled it up to send to each of you I would. Low clouds scudding across the sky were in constant flux against the high clouds that held a glow of their own. If you look closely at the middle image you can even see a tiny wisp of a rain shower delicately falling. And while the sunset faded over an hours time the memory will warm me through the coming winter. I remind myself that we have plenty of sunsets to go before this season reaches any kind of finale.

Have a great day. Be well. Do good.

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