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What a Difference a Week Makes

Good morning everyone. My usual apologies for the lapse in the blog. The transition from summer to winter has been especially fast… all of one week. And to be truthful I have needed a break although I haven’t really found it yet. The intensity of the end of this season was quite a shoulder full. This last week has not been much of a let up in the action either as the cold weather has us racing to get things under cover. We have been working every day and well into some evenings. All of that is personal choice of course but the cold weather has set in faster than usual this year and the weather changes so fast that a day can make a huge difference. To prove my point I enter exhibit A, the scene from the schooner last Saturday and exhibit B, the scene from our deck this morning.

There is an emotional let down to the end of any season and with the loss of our beloved Mary the let down has been harder than ever. I will miss her. I will miss sailing. I will miss all of you. I have not had much time to process anything. Our season is a long one and yet so short. This summer flew by faster than ever. And the blistering pace of this last week has not given any of us time to celebrate or reflect on the joys of the season. But the cover is on, the winter mooring lines are in place and now the snow can fly. Your schooner is safe in the harbor.

We have many projects over the next few weeks and I will do my best to get back to writing. Thank you for your patience.

Have a great day. Be well. Do good.

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